Donations and Giving

If I choose to donate, where does my money go?

This fund is used primarily for patient assistance; no money is ever given directly to the patient and 100% of the donations go towards things like paying co-pays, prescription costs, occupational/physical therapy equipment rental or purchases like walkers etc., transportation services to make appointments, grievance counseling for patients and their families, self-care events and more! This fund is currently an emergency use fund that allows the patients to receive up to $500 worth of assistance to meet their needs. My goal is to increase this amount as I increase the amount of annual donations received during awareness events and pledges made throughout the year. There are over 500 patients of lupus under the UCHealth and Medical Center of the Rockies umbrella that currently have access to the E.R.I.C.A. Lupus Patient Assistance Fund. I am working diligently to expand this fund to cover patients of lupus across the country. The ultimate goal is to expand these dollars to benefit patients of lupus worldwide!

How to Donate

Make all checks payable to The UCHealth Northern Colorado Foundation, memo: “E.R.I.C.A. Fund” and mail them to 2315 E Harmony Rd. Suite 200, Fort Collins, CO 80528! Instructions for online donations are as follows:

1. Go to or click the “Donate” button on the main website’s menu.

2. Scroll down and select the amount of your donation under “Donation”. (IMPORTANT – in the “What inspired your gift?” text box, please enter “E.R.I.C.A. Lupus Awareness”)

3. You can choose to “Tribute your Gift” if you’re making the donation in memory or honor of someone, but you don’t have to. If you choose not to do this, just skip it and keep scrolling down!

4. Under “Designation”, select “General Patient Assistance” from the drop down menu.

6. Enter your Billing Address information. (You can also click the box if you would like your gift to remain anonymous or make your donation on behalf of an organization)

7. Enter your Payment Details under “Payment Details”.

8. Click “Donate”.

9.  For donors who request tax information: The UCHealth Northern Colorado Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Their tax ID is 74-1894581. Please consult with your tax advisor for information regarding your tax deduction.

Thank you!

Thank you for choosing to donate to the E.R.I.C.A. Lupus Patient Assistance Fund through The UCHealth Northern Colorado Foundation. Your contributions help patients and their families far beyond their monetary value. Because of you, our continuing goal to spread hope and awareness can be achieved year after year. May your gift of giving be returned to you tenfold! Thank you again for your much appreciated support.